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What to Expect

We aim to explore how intertwined culture and globalization are with modern education and share real experiences from various countries. This initiative highlights the exceptional value of each context, advocating for an inclusive and diverse educational landscape.
A 24-hour continuous stream that connects communities and organizations worldwide through a mix of pre-recorded and live activities, such as panels, dialogues, workshops, interactive sessions, and cultural showcases
* The diagram displays only a part of the participating countries
New Zealand
What to Expect
We aim to explore how intertwined culture and globalization are with modern education and share real experiences from various countries. This initiative highlights the exceptional value of each context, advocating for an inclusive and diverse educational landscape.
A 24-hour continuous stream that connects communities and organizations worldwide through a mix of pre-recorded and live activities, such as panels, dialogues, workshops, interactive sessions, and cultural showcases
To view full map tap and drag
New Zealand
* The diagram displays only a part of the participating countries


Specialist in Human Rights & Indigenous People
Founder and Executive Director, Educate Girls, EdHeroes Advisory Board member
Folklorist, UNESCO's International Mother Language Award 2023 Laureate and National Advisor — MLE, Language and Learning Foundation
CEO and Co-founder of Teach For All, EdHeroes Advisory Board Member
Distinguished Professor of Engineering at Oakland University in Rochester, Michigan
Senior Adviser World Bank Education, EdHeroes Advisory Board Member
Senior Advisor to Abu Dhabi's Early Childhood Authority. Former Executive Director of the Bernard van Leer Foundation, EdHeroes Advisory Board Member
CEO of Dream a Dream, EdHeroes Advisory Board Member
Co-founder & CEO of EdHeroes
Founder of Centro Cultural Ixtlamachiliztli, President of Federación Indígena Empresarial y C.L
President and CEO of Sharp Global Development, LLC. Former 23rd President of the National Congress of American Indians (NCAI)
World President of OMEP (World Organization for Early Childhood Education), EdHeroes Advisory Board Member
Institute for Early Childhood Wellbeing, Boston University
Director of Amazon and Andean Youth Education Projects, Amantani
Board of Directors of OMEP Argentina and Coordinator of Interculturality and Childhood
Partnerships Coordinator of Amantani, EdHeroes Peru Hub Leader
Professor in the Practice and Director of Teaching in the Global Human Development Program, Georgetown University
Co-founder, CEO at Imagine Heritage non profit organization, EdHeroes Greece Hub Leader
World Bank's Global Coordinator for Indigenous Peoples and a Senior Social Development Specialist
General Partner at Don't Quit Ventures, Philanthropist
PhD (IBS-UTM), Director of Strategy and Excellence at the Sharjah Private Education Authority
Programme specialist in languages and education, UNESCO
Synchronstage Vienna, Flutist, World woodwind player, Recording artist, Music teacher
OMEP and Tres de Febrero University
Vice-president of OMEP Latin America
OMEP Representative to UNESCO
PHCL Pte. Ltd., CEO and Director
Vice President of Terawe Corporation
Media Clubroom, Speaker, Self-Mastery Trainer, Mindset Educator
Madco Tech Pte Ltd, CEO / Co-Founder
CEO of Nice Kyrgyzstan, EdHeroes Kyrgyzstan Hub Leader
Expansion Director of EdHeroes
Coordinator of the rural Secondary Education Program Horizontes in UNESCO
Director at Michael & Susan Dell Foundation
Director, Research and Impact, Dream a Dream
Co-Founder & Chief Program Officer, Kizazi
Research Fellow with the Research and Impact Team, Dream a Dream
Director of Marketing and Communications — Educate!
Program Manager, Out-of-School Youth, Uganda — Educate!
Regional Training Specialist — Educate!
Founder of Preschool Market
Training Officer, Out-of-School Youth, Uganda — Educate!
PhD (ANSO Scholar), School of Humanities, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing China; Founder of Central Asia Tech Law, Ai Mo Innovation Consultants and the TechUmmah Ecosystem (CIEFT)
Director of the Monitoring and Evaluation Center at the Beijing Haidian Institute of Education Sciences
Vice Principal of Nishan Yihai Primary School
Vice Rector for Research and Community Service at Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Yogyakarta
Relationship Manager, Grok Schools Community, Grok Global Services; Director, International Exchange Center for Confucius Studies in Qufu and Vancouver
CEO of Inspiring Teenagers to Create, Cooperate and Contribute
Scholar, curator and writer
(South Africa)
Scientist, teaching fellow, Teach for Zimbabwe
Kaihautū and Teacher Educator, Ako Mātātupu — Teach First New Zeland
(New Zealand)
General Manager of the Sofia international hotel
Founder, Director, Shiksharth
Head of English Teachers Association
Сo-founder and the Chairman of the Board of the Ayb Educational Foundation
Educator, researcher, academic director of USTAZ Pro
Operational Manager, Connect-Ed
Educator, Doctor in Childhood, Youth and Social Sciences, Master in Social Management with a specialization in Learning Difficulties
OMEP-Canada et Université d'Ottawa
President Director / CEO, Mirae Asset Sekuritas Indonesia
Gaelic Development Officer, Social Enterprise Academy
Senior Program Manager — Multilingual Education, Language and Learning Foundation
Senior Specialist — Multilingual Education, Language and Learning Foundation
Specialist — Multilingual Education, Language and Learning Foundation
Anishinabeg/Haudenosaunee — Bear Clan, member of Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg First Nation, Maniwaki, Quebec. Senior Vice-President Education, Communications and Services at First Nations Education Administrators Association
Project Management Officer (PMO), NICE Kyrgyzstan
Dubbing director, dubbing actor
Founder and Director of Steppe&World Publishing and Alghayat Literary Agency based in Almaty
Director of Math Content & Training, Pratham International
PhD, Chairman of Indonesia Council of Youth Development (ICYD), Co-chair G20 Youth (Y20) 2022
Linguist, researcher
Deputy principal inspector at the National Service for the Training of preschool education personnel (SERNAFOR / Maternel), President of OMEP-RDC and National Coordinator of the Agency for the Promotion of Education
(Democratic Republic of Congo)
Coordinator of the "Silk Roads Heritage Corridors in Central Asia — International Dimension of the European Year of Cultural Heritage" Project at UNESCO Almaty
Inspector General for Education, Sport and Research (France)
Vice President for International Cooperation and Relations of IKAPI (Indonesian Publisher Association)
Vice President of Foreign Affairs of PUBAT (The Publishers and Booksellers Association of Thailand)
Co-founder and Managing Director of CO.MINT Inc.
Computer and Automation Engineer
Assistant Professor in Public International Law and EU Law at the Autonomous University of Madrid, active member of ESACH, Europa Nostra and the Young Professionals and Researchers Working Group of Future for Religious Heritage
Board member of ENCC of the European Network of Cultural Centers ENCC Brussels and an Independent Expert of the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe programme for the period 2022-26
Visiting Assistant Professor at the Tulane University, Department of Philosophy
Professor of Computer Graphics at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Sarajevo
Deputy director of the Institute Heritage Studies, member of Interpret Europe, International Association of World Heritage Professionals and the Berlin UNESCO Club
Co-Founder of Perempuan Baca
Business Development Manager, NICE Kyrgyzstan
Manata Aleksandr
Economic post graduate student In Alatoo University Somaliland
Somaliland (Somalia)
Mohamed Awil
CEO of NICE Indonesia
Education Officer of UNICEF Papua
Executive Consultant NICE Indonesia
Founder, Ruang Berbagi Papua
Сo-founder and Project Manager of the Cultural Heritage Non-Profit Imagine Heritage
Research Professor and Director of Culture and Creativity Research Institute Sheffield Hallam University UK
Director of Regional Education & Youth Specialist, Glasswing International
(El Salvador)
Founder, Canopy Nepal
Early Childhood Education Specialist, Office of the First Lady, El Salvador
(El Salvador)
Executive Director, CONJUVE Guatemala
CEO of Starfish Education
PhD, Vice Rector of Universitas Nahdhatul Ulama, the Advisor at the Minister of Education Indonesia
Regional Corporate Partnerships Lead, Asia-Pacific at Plan International
PM at Microsoft, Founder of Nuevo Foundation
(USA and Venezuela)
Director of FLG Consulting & Executive Director, ASEAN Business Advisory Council
PhD International Relations, Ex-CEO and Dean of GBSB Global Business School, UN and EU expert on international development and education
Chief Executive Officer at Bridge Institute
Presentation Coach & Creator Of The Instant Gravitas Method
Puteri Indonesia Education and Culture 2024
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Senior Adviser World Bank Education, EdHeroes Advisory Board Member
Founder and Executive Director, Educate Girls, EdHeroes Advisory Board member
Specialist in Human Rights & Indigenous People
CEO and Co-founder of Teach For All, EdHeroes Advisory Board Member
Folklorist, UNESCO's International Mother Language
Award 2023 Laureate and National Advisor — MLE, Language and Learning Foundation
Distinguished Professor of Engineering at Oakland University in Rochester, Michigan
Senior Advisor to Abu Dhabi's Early Childhood Authority. Former Executive Director of the Bernard van Leer Foundation, EdHeroes Advisory Board Member
World President of OMEP (World Organization for Early Childhood Education), EdHeroes Advisory Board Member
CEO of Dream a Dream, EdHeroes Advisory Board Member
Founder of Centro Cultural Ixtlamachiliztli, President of Federación Indígena Empresarial y C.L
President and CEO of Sharp Global Development, LLC. Former 23rd President of the National Congress of American Indians (NCAI)
Co-founder & CEO of EdHeroes
Director of Amazon and Andean Youth Education Projects
Board of Directors of OMEP Argentina and Coordinator of Interculturality and Childhood
Institute for Early Childhood Wellbeing, Boston University
Partnerships Coordinator of Amantani, EdHeroes Peru Hub Leader
Co-founder, CEO at Imagine Heritage non profit organization, EdHeroes Greece Hub Leader
Professor in the Practice and Director of Teaching in the Global Human Development Program, Georgetown University
General Partner at Don't Quit Ventures, Philanthropist
Programme specialist in languages and education, UNESCO
World Bank's Global Coordinator for Indigenous Peoples and a Senior Social Development Specialist
Synchronstage Vienna, Flutist, World woodwind player, Recording artist, Music teacher
OMEP and Tres de Febrero University
Vice President of Terawe Corporation
Media Clubroom, Speaker, Self-Mastery Trainer, Mindset Educator
Vice-president of OMEP Latin America
OMEP Representative to UNESCO
PHCL Pte. Ltd., CEO and Director
Madco Tech Pte Ltd, CEO / Co-Founder
CEO of Nice Kyrgyzstan, EdHeroes Kyrgyzstan Hub Leader
Expansion Director of EdHeroes
Coordinator of the rural Secondary Education Program Horizontes in UNESCO
Director, Research and Impact, Dream a Dream
Director at Michael & Susan Dell Foundation
Co-Founder & Chief Program Officer, Kizazi
Research Fellow with the Research and Impact Team, Dream a Dream
Founder of Preschool Market
Director of Marketing and Communications — Educate!
Program Manager, Out-of-School Youth, Uganda — Educate!
Regional Training Specialist — Educate!
Training Officer, Out-of-School Youth,
Uganda — Educate!
PhD (ANSO Scholar), School of Humanities, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing China; Founder of Central Asia Tech Law, Ai Mo Innovation Consultants and the TechUmmah Ecosystem (CIEFT)
Relationship Manager, Grok Schools Community, Grok Global Services; Director, International Exchange Center for Confucius Studies in Qufu and Vancouver
Director of the Monitoring and Evaluation Center at the Beijing Haidian Institute of Education Sciences
Vice Rector for Research and Community Service at Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Yogyakarta
Vice Principal of Nishan Yihai Primary School
CEO of Inspiring Teenagers to Create, Cooperate and Contribute
(South Africa)
Scholar, curator and writer
Scientist, teaching fellow, Teach for Zimbabwe
(New Zealand)
Kaihautū and Teacher Educator, Ako Mātātupu — Teach First New Zeland
Founder, Director, Shiksharth
General Manager of the Sofia international hotel
Head of English Teachers Association
Сo-founder and the Chairman of the Board of the Ayb Educational Foundation
Operational Manager, Connect-Ed
Educator, researcher, academic director of USTAZ Pro
Educator, Doctor in Childhood, Youth and Social Sciences, Master in Social Management with a specialization in Learning Difficulties
OMEP-Canada et Université d'Ottawa
President Director / CEO, Mirae Asset Sekuritas Indonesia
Gaelic Development Officer, Social Enterprise Academy
Senior Program Manager — Multilingual Education, Language and Learning Foundation
Director of Math Content & Training, Pratham International
PhD, Chairman of Indonesia Council of Youth Development (ICYD), Co-chair G20 Youth (Y20) 2022
Senior Specialist — Multilingual Education, Language and Learning Foundation
Specialist — Multilingual Education, Language and Learning Foundation
PhD (IBS-UTM), Director of Strategy and Excellence at the Sharjah Private Education Authority
Anishinabeg/Haudenosaunee — Bear Clan, member of Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg First Nation, Maniwaki, Quebec. Senior Vice-President Education, Communications and Services at First Nations Education Administrators Association
Project Management Officer (PMO), NICE Kyrgyzstan
Dubbing director, dubbing actor
Founder and Director of Steppe&World Publishing and Alghayat Literary Agency based in Almaty
Linguist, researcher
Inspector General for Education, Sport and Research (France)
(Democratic Republic of Congo)
Deputy principal inspector at the National Service for the Training of preschool education personnel (SERNAFOR / Maternel), President of OMEP-RDC and National Coordinator of the Agency for the Promotion of Education
Coordinator of the "Silk Roads Heritage Corridors in Central Asia — International Dimension of the European Year of Cultural Heritage" Project at UNESCO Almaty
Computer and Automation Engineer
Vice President of Foreign Affairs of PUBAT (The Publishers and Booksellers Association of Thailand)
Vice President for International Cooperation and Relations of IKAPI (Indonesian Publisher Association)
Co-founder and Managing Director of CO.MINT Inc.
Visiting Assistant Professor at the Tulane University, Department of Philosophy
Board member of ENCC of the European Network of Cultural Centers ENCC Brussels and an Independent Expert of the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe programme for the period 2022-26
Professor of Computer Graphics at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Sarajevo
Deputy director of the Institute Heritage Studies, member of Interpret Europe, International Association of World Heritage Professionals and the Berlin UNESCO Club
Assistant Professor in Public International Law and EU Law at the Autonomous University of Madrid, active member of ESACH, Europa Nostra and the Young Professionals and Researchers Working Group of Future for Religious Heritage
Co-Founder of Perempuan Baca
Business Development Manager, NICE Kyrgyzstan
Manata Aleksandr
Somaliland (Somalia)
Economic post graduate student In Alatoo University Somaliland
Mohamed Awil
CEO of NICE Indonesia
Education Officer of UNICEF Papua
Executive Consultant NICE Indonesia
Founder Ruang Berbagi Papua
Сo-founder and Project Manager of the Cultural Heritage Non-Profit Imagine Heritage
Research Professor and Director of Culture and Creativity Research Institute Sheffield Hallam University UK
(El Salvador)
Director of Regional Education & Youth Specialist, Glasswing International
Founder, Canopy Nepal
(El Salvador)
Early Childhood Education Specialist, Office of the First Lady, El Salvador
Executive Director, CONJUVE Guatemala
PhD International Relations, Ex-CEO and Dean of GBSB Global Business School, UN and EU expert on international development and education
PhD, Vice Rector of Universitas Nahdhatul Ulama, the Advisor at the Minister of Education Indonesia
CEO of Starfish Education
(USA and Venezuela)
PM at Microsoft, Founder of Nuevo Foundation
Regional Corporate Partnerships Lead, Asia-Pacific at Plan International
Director of FLG Consulting & Executive Director, ASEAN Business Advisory Council
Chief Executive Officer at Bridge Institute
Presentation Coach & Creator Of The Instant Gravitas Method
Presentation Coach & Creator Of The Instant Gravitas Method

Past Events

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EdHeroes Forum Asia: Indonesia Chapter 2021
Queen Rania Teacher Academy x EdHeroes Talks: Social Media in Education
Forbes x EdHeroes, Philanthropy Summit: Leading the Global Economic Race
GESS Dubai Education Exhibition and Conference 2023
EdHeroes Forum Asia: Promoting Entrepreneurship in Education
EdHeroes Forum Asia: "Future Ready Education and Skills"
EdHeroes Forum: Australia+Indonesia Chapter 2022
EdHeroes Talks in collaboration with OMEP: Humanitarian Values in Preschool Education
EdHeroes Forum Asia: Malaysia Chapter 2022
Host Partners
EdHeroes is a decentralized network that unites people and organizations within education to achieve United Nations SDG 4 — quality education. EdHeroes is about connecting, communicating and speeding up education processes and projects.
Amantani is an Anglo Peruvian organization with over 15 years of experience working to defend the rights of young people in the Peruvian Andes and Amazon regions. Their projects enable them to access high-quality education and fair employment, helping to stimulate social development for Peru's rural communities.

Topics You Can Expect

* Topics include, but are not limited to:
Inclusive Learning
Indigenous Communities
Language, Culture, and Nation-Building
Culture Transcending Educational Practices
Sustainability and Economic Models in Education
Globalization, Decolonization, and Heritage
Session Partners

Become a Forum Partner

To reach your target audience, share impactful stories, and offer solutions to significant issues, we've developed a range of partnership opportunities designed to spotlight your efforts and boost your brand visibility at the EdHeroes Global Forum 2024.
Liechtenstein, Austrasse, 14,
Postfach 254, 9495 Triesen
Pasaje Los Rosales, 20-D, Urb.Mariscal Gamarra, Cusco, Perú